1.Which one of the following leaders was not a part of Non-cooperation movement ?

[A] M. A. Ansari
[B] M. A. Jinnah
[C] Abul Kalam Azad
[D] Hakim Ajmal Khan


Correct Answer: B [M. A. Jinnah]
Non cooperation movement (1920-22) was led by Mahatma Gandhi Veterans like Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Bipin Chandra Pal, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Annie Besant opposed the idea outright. But the younger generation of Indian nationalists were thrilled, and backed Gandhiji. The Congress Party adopted his plans, and he received extensive support from Muslim leaders like Abul Kalam Azad, Mukhtar Ahmed Ansari, Hakim Ajmal Khan, Abbas Tyabji, Maulana Mohammad Ali and Maulana Shaukat Ali.
2.The play ‘Neel Darpan’ is associated with which among the following revolts?

[A] Santhal Revolt
[B] Pabna Riots
[C] Indigo Revolt
[D] Champaran Satyagraha


Correct Answer: C [Indigo Revolt]
Neel Darpan was a Bengali play written by Dinabandhu Mitra in 1858–1859. The play was essential to Nilbidraha, or Indigo revolt of February–March 1859 in Bengal, when farmers refused to sow indigo in their fields as a protest against exploitative farming under the British Raj.
3.The first Individual Satyagrahi, Acharya Vinoba Bhave offered Satyagraha in which among the following way?

[A] By not paying taxes
[B] By burning British Flag
[C] By making an antiwar speech
[D] By making a speech against the Viceroy of India


Correct Answer: C [By making an antiwar speech ]
On October 17, 1940, Mahatma Gandhi had chosen Acharya Vinoba Bhave as the first satyagrahi to start the Individual Satyagraha. Acharya Vinobha Bhave started the Individual Satyagraha from Pavnar (Maharashtra) by making an antiwar speech. Jawahar Lal Nehru was the second person to start Individual Satyagraha.
4.In which year, India launched Look East Policy?

[A] 1986
[B] 1992
[C] 1994
[D] 1996


Correct Answer: B [1992]
India’s Look East Policy was for the first time pursued by P. V. Narasimha Rao Government in 1992. Under this policy, India focused its attention toward South-East Asia, which was long neglected during the Cold war period. This policy was further cemented by successive prime ministers and now converted into “Act East Policy” by the current government.
5.On which of the following charges, Bal Gangadhar Tilak was arrested in 1908?

[A] Murder of Douglas
[B] Sedition
[C] Opposing the age of Consent Bill
[D] Inciting Chapekar Brothers to commit violence


Correct Answer: B [Sedition]
After the Muzaffarpur bombing case Prafulla Chaki committed suicide and Khudiram Bose was hanged. B.G Tilak started defending the revolutionaries and called for immediate Swaraj or self-rule through his paper Kesari. Then he was charged with sedition and arrested. The judge Dinshaw D. Davar sentenced him a six years jail in Mandalay, Burma from 1908 to 1914.
6.Balwantrai Mehta, a pioneer of Panchayati Raj and a distinguished freedom fighter, was Chief minister of which state?

[A] Maharastra
[B] Gujarat
[C] Andhra Pradesh
[D] Madya Pradesh


Correct Answer: B [Gujarat]
BBalwantrai Mehta was one of the legendry freedom fighters of the country who participated in the Bardoli Satyagraha. He is best known as second Chief Minister of Gujarat.He is credited for pioneering the concept the Panchayati Raj in India and also known as Father of Panchayati Raj in India.
7.Vinoba Bhave was the first person to offer satyagraha. In which year he offered individual satyagraha?

[A] 1939
[B] 1940
[C] 1941
[D] 1942


Correct Answer: B [1940]
The Congress was in a confused state again after the August Offer. The radicals and leftists wanted to launch a mass Civil Disobedience Movement, but here Gandhi insisted on Individual Satyagraha. The Individual Satyagraha was not to seek independence but to affirm the right of speech.

  • The other reason of this Satyagraha was that a mass movement may turn violent and he would not like to see the Great Britain embarrassed by such a situation.This view was conveyed to Lord Linlithgow by Gandhi when he met him on September 27, 1940.

The non-violence was set as the centerpiece of Individual Satyagraha. This was done by carefully selecting the Satyagrahis.

  • The first Satyagrahi selected was Acharya Vinoba Bhave, who was sent to Jail when he spoke against the war.
  • Second Satyagrahi was Jawahar Lal Nehru.
  • Third was Brahma Datt, one of the inmates of the Gandhi’s Ashram.

They all were sent to jails for violating the Defense of India Act. This was followed by a lot of other people. But since it was not a mass movement, it attracted little enthusiasm and in December 1940, Gandhi suspended the movement. The campaign started again in January 1941, this time, thousands of people joined and around 20 thousand people were arrested.

8.Which among the following acts provided for a High Commissioner who resided in London, representing India in Great Britain?

[A] Government of India Act 1858
[B] Government of India Act 1909
[C] Government of India Act 1919
[D] Government of India Act 1935


Correct Answer: C [Government of India Act 1919]
The Government of India Act, 1919 provided for a high commissioner, who resided in London and represented India in Great Britain.
9.Who among the following introduced the modern concept of rule in India?

[A] Mughal
[B] British
[C] Portuguese
[D] French


10.Who among the following founded a National Press, National Paper, National Society, National School, National Theatre, National Store, National Gymnasium and National Circus making the term “National” popular in British India?

[A] Devendra Nath Tagore
[B] Jyotindra Nath Tagore
[C] Nabagopal Mitra
[D] Rajnarayan Basu


Correct Answer: C [Nabagopal Mitra]
Nabagopal Mitra was a poet, essayist, patriot and one of the proprietors of Hindu nationalism. Hindu mela was founded by him. He also founded National Society, National School, National Press, National Paper, National Theatre, National Store, National Gymnasium and that is why he was called as ‘National Mitra’.