Best 500 ancient history MCQ Test 1

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As per Asoka’s inscriptions, which among the following place was declared tax free and proclaimed only 1/8th part as taxable?

[A] Kushinagar
[B] Lumbini
[C] Kathmandu
[D] Sarnath

Correct Answer: B [ Lumbini ]

At the 20th anniversary of his enthronement, Asoka announced Lumbini as tax-free and proclaimed only 1/8th part as taxable. Description of this fact is found in the inscriptions of Nigliva and Rumindei.
2.In which Buddhist council, Buddhism was divided into Sthaviravadins and Mahasanghikas?

[A] Second Buddhist council
[B] Third Buddhist council
[C] First Buddhist council
[D] Fourth Buddhist council

Correct Answer: A [ Second Buddhist council ]
In the second Buddhist council, Buddhism was divided into Sthaviravadins and Mahasanghikas.
3.In which year, Alexander invaded India?

[A] 326 BC
[B] 316 BC
[C] 346 BC
[D] 256 BC

Correct Answer: A [ 326 BC ]
Alexander invaded India in 326 BC. In 326 BC, the Battle of Hydaspes was fought between Alexender the great and Porus along the banks of Haydaspes river( Jhelum river) in Punjab. Porus, the King of Paurava, ruled the area between the rivers Hydaspes (modern Jhelum) and Acesines (Chenab). Though, Porus was defeated, Alexendar was impressed by Porus’s might so asked Porus to rule his dynasty under his name.
4.Which rock edict of Ashoka mentions the purpose of the rock edicts?

[A] Major Rock Edict XIV
[B] Major Rock Edict XV
[C] Major Rock Edict XI
[D] Major Rock Edict XIII

Correct Answer: A [ Major Rock Edict XIV ]
The Major Rock Edict XIV describes the purpose of the rock edicts of different parts of the country.
5.Which Ashokan pillar edict mentions the Dhamma Mahamattas?

[A] pillar edict VII
[B] pillar edict VIII
[C] pillar edict VI
[D] pillar edict V

Correct Answer: A [ pillar edict VII ]
The Ashokan Pillar Edict-VII mentions the Dhamma Mahamattas. It propagated a proper courtesy to slaves and servants, obedience to parents, respectful behaviour towards Brahmans and Sharmanas and generiosty towards friends, acquaintances and relatives.
6.Which of the following book is the sequel of an epic ‘Silappadikarma’?

[A] Jivaka Chintamani
[B] Manimekalai
[C] Bharatman
[D] Kunal

Correct Answer: B [ Manimekalai ]
The story of Manimekalai is a sequel of an epic ‘Silappatikaram’ that tells the story of the conversion to Buddhism of the daughter of Kovalan and Madhavi. Seethalai Saathanaar was the author of the book ‘Manimekalai’.
7.Which among the following are important functionaries of Early Vedic period?

[A] Purohita
[B] Senani
[C] Gramini
[D] All of the above

Correct Answer: D [ All of the above ]
The important functionaries of Early Vedic period are Purohita, Senani and Gramini.
8.The hymns of regveda were composed by ?

[A] Hotri
[B] Udgatri
[C] Adhvaryas
[D] Nakshotri

Correct Answer: A [ Hotri ]

Hotri For Vedic priests viz. Hotri, adhvaryu, udgatri and brahman (brahmin) participated in the shrauta rites and each of them had special attributes. Hotri was the priest chanting the hymns of Rig Veda; adhvaryu chanting the hymns of Yajur Veda; Udgatri chanting the Sama Veda hymns. Brahman priest was the most and supervisor of the entire ceremony and the one chanting the hymns of Atharva Veda.
9.The ancient Dhanyakataka, which was capital of the Satavahana kingdom, is located in which district of Andhra Pradesh?

[A] Amaravati
[B] Guntur
[C] Kolluru
[D] Thullur

Correct Answer: B [Guntur]
Dharanikota is a town near Amaravati in the Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh in India, It is the site of the ancient Dhanyakataka which was the capital of the Satavahana kingdom which ruled in the Deccan around the 1st to 3rd centuries A.D.
10.Pushyamitra, the founder ruler of Sunga Dynasty performed how many Ashvamedha sacrifices?

[A] None
[B] 1
[C] 2
[D] 3

Correct Answer: B [ 1 ]
The founder of Sunga dynasty, Pushyamitra Sunga is recorded to have performed two Ashvamedhas to promote orthodox brahamical faith during his rule.