Directions (1-5): Rearrange the following five sentences (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.


  1. In 1977, a 20,000-strong crowd landed up at Kolkata airport to welcome the Brazilian football legend
  2. But every four years, the World Cup envelops the city with a buzz that is almost impossible to contain.
  3. Everyone knows of Kolkata’s everyday obsession with football,
  4. In a mesmerising testimony to the Calcuttan’s love for the game.
  5. The city’s mania for the World Cup ostensibly began with the ‘magic of Pele’.

Q1. Which of the following will be the FIFTH sentence after the rearrangement?

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) E

Answer & Explanation
Ans.1.(d)Exp. The correct paragraph/arrangement of the given sentences is as follows –

Everyone knows of Kolkata’s everyday obsession with football, but every four years, the World Cup envelops the city with a buzz that is almost impossible to contain. The city’s mania for the World Cup ostensibly began with the ‘magic of Pele’. In 1977, a 20,000-strong crowd landed up at Kolkata airport to welcome the Brazilian football legend in a mesmerising testimony to the Calcuttan’s love for the game.

Therefore, the correct sequence would be, CBEAD. Hence the correct answer here is option (d).

Q2. Which of the following will be the SECOND sentence after the rearrangement?

(a) A

(b) C

(c) E

(d) D

(e) B

Answer & Explanation

Exp. The correct sequence would be, CBEAD. Hence the correct answer here is option (e).[/su_spoiler]

Q3. Which of the following will be the FIRST sentence after the rearrangement?

(a) A

(b) C

(c) E

(d) D

(e) B

Answer & Explanation

Exp. The correct sequence would be, CBEAD. Hence the correct answer here is option (b).[/su_spoiler]

Q4. Which of the following will be the FOURTH sentence after the rearrangement?

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) E

Answer & Explanation

Q5. Which of the following will be the THIRD sentence after the rearrangement?

(a) A

(b) C

(c) E

(d) D

(e) B

Answer & Explanation

Directions (6-10): Rearrange the following five sentences (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.

  1. Leaders from both sides, including Prime Ministers Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Benazir Bhutto, had pushed for it.
  2. The announcement by India and Pakistan of plans to operationalise a visa-free corridor between
  3. situated on the site on the bank of the Ravi where the founder of Sikhism, Guru Nanak, spent his last 18 years.
  4. Dera Baba Nanak in Indian Punjab and Kartarpur Sahib in Pakistan’s Punjab heeds a longstanding plea of Sikh pilgrims.
  5. That demand had gathered pace in 1995, when Pakistan renovated the Kartarpur gurdwara,

Q6. Which of the following will be the FOURTH sentence after the rearrangement?

(a) A

(b) C

(c) E

(d) D

(e) B

Answer & Explanation

Q7. Which of the following will be the SECOND sentence after the rearrangement?

(a) A

(b) C

(c) E

(d) D

(e) B

Answer & Explanation

Q8. Which of the following will be the FIRST sentence after the rearrangement?

(a) E

(b) D

(c) C

(d) B

(e) A

Answer & Explanation

Q9. Which of the following will be the FIFTH sentence after the rearrangement?

(a) A

(b) C

(c) E

(d) D

(e) B

Answer & Explanation

Q10. Which of the following will be the THIRD sentence after the rearrangement?

(a) A

(b) C

(c) E

(d) D

(e) B

Answer & Explanation