In what ratio must wheat A at Rs. 10.50 per kg be mixed with wheat B at Rs. 12.30 per kg, so that the mixture be worth of Rs. 11 per kg?
a. 13 : 5
b. 18 : 3
c. 17 : 5
d. 11 : 5

Correct option :(a)

Convert Rs into paise, to make the calculation easy

The required ratio = 130 : 50 = 13 : 5

2.Find the least square number which is exactly divisible by 4, 9 and 15.
(A) 625
(B) 729
(C) 900
(D) 1089


The least common multiple of 4, 9 and 15 is 180.

short tricks : multiple of 180 > 900 is divisible of 180 then least square number which is exactly divisible by 4, 9 and 15.

3.A certain amount is distributed among X, Y and Z. X gets  4/5 and Y gets 1/6 of the whole amount. If Z gets
₹15, then Y gets:
(A) ₹320
(B) ₹75
(C) ₹340
(D) ₹360

answer (b)


A rectangular parking area of 64 m2 is adjacent to a house. The three sides of this area are fenced and the fourth
side is common with the house. If the length of the fenced sides is 24 m in total, then the dimensions of the
parking area are:
(A) 4 m × 16 m
(B) 2 m × 32 m
(C) 1 m × 62 m
(D) 4 m × 15 m


Rohan wants to store 120000 litres of oil. So he bought a conical oil tank of a diameter of 7 m and a height of 9
m to store oil. Find how many litres of oil will be left after filling the hole tank? [Use π = 22/7]
(A) 4800 litres
(B) 4500 litres
(C) 4000 litres
(D) 3500 litres

answer: b

Two numbers P and Q are such that, the sum of 2 % of P and Sum of 2 % of Q is two-third of the sum of 2 % of P and 6 % of Q. Find the ratio of P and Q.

a. 2 : 5
b. 3 : 1
c. 1 : 4
d. 5 : 1


Roy is attempting a question paper where he gets 3 marks for every correct answer and 1 mark is
deducted for every wrong answer. After attempting 60 questions, Roy sees that his total marks is 100. Find
the number of questions he answered incorrectly.
(A) 25
(B) 15
(C) 20
(D) 30


A and B can do a piece of work in 9 days and 12 days respectively. They work together for 3 days and then A
leaves. In how many days after that will B complete the work alone?
(A) 7 days
(B) 3 days
(C) 4 days
(D) 5 days

answer -D

A boy was riding a bicycle at the speed of 20 kmph. How much time would he have taken to cover 10 km?
(A) 30 mins
(B) 35 mins
(C) 40 mins
(D) 45 mins

answer: a

The average of the monthly rainfalls for January, February, March and April was 22 cm and for February,
March, April and May it was 24 cm.If the monthly rainfall in May was 20cm, find the monthly rainfall in January.
(A) 16 cm
(B) 18 cm
(C) 14 cm
(D) 12 cm

answer :d

50 % of a number is 18 less than two-third of that number. Find the number.
a. 123
b. 119
c. 115
d. 108

answer : d

The price of petrol first rose by 12% and then fell by 12%. Find the net hange in the price of petrol.
(A) Remains same
(B) 1.44% decrease
(C) 1.2% increase
(D) 14% decrease


A shopkeeper purchased 100 shirts at the rate of ₹20 per piece. 20 shirts were found defective. In order to
make a gain of 20%, he must sell the remaining shirts at the rate of ______per shirt.
(A) ₹25
(B) ₹27
(C) ₹30
(D) ₹35


If a : b = 3 : 4 and b : c = 8 : 9, find a : b : c.
(A) 6 : 8 : 9
(B) 1 : 3 : 7
(C) 3 : 8 : 16
(D) 3 : 5 : 7

answer : a

Which of the following fractions is the smallest?
(A) 14/17
(B) 13/21
(C) 5/9
(D) 11/17

answer :c

Find the lowest common multiple (L.C.M) of 34, 45, and 50.
(A) 7650
(B) 7850
(C) 8400
(D) 7200


The least number which should be added to 2014 so that the sum is exactly divisible by 3, 4, 5 and 6 is:
(A) 33
(B) 27
(C) 26
(D) 31


Two numbers are in the ratio 37:40.If 7 is subtracted from each of them,the new ratio becomes 67:73. Find
the smaller number.
(A) 74
(B) 60
(C) 71
(D) 44

answer : a

How much time will it take for a sum of ₹450 to yield ₹27 as interest at 1.5% per annum of simple interest?
(A) 4 years
(B) 2 years
(C) 5 years
(D) 3 years

answer: a

ICICI offers 10% compound interest per annum compounded half-yearly. Mr Kumar deposited ₹3650 on 7th
February 2020 and another ₹3650 on 7th August 2020. Calculate the interest he earned till 7th February
2021. Choose the option that is closest to the exact answer.
(A) 439
(B) 556
(C) 458
(D) 549


The smallest perfect square which is divisible by each of 12, 18, 20 is _______.
(A) 1600
(B) 900
(C) 400
(D) 1000

answer :b

Find the value of the question mark.
25% of ? = 4 × 16.5% of 1200
(A) 2828
(B) 2908
(C) 3168
(D) 3298

answer: c

Which of the following numbers is not divisible by 4?
(A) 225644
(B) 48264
(C) 188822
(D) 144692

answer :c

When 35 is subtracted from a number; it reduces to its 80 %. Find the four-fifth of that number.

a. 140
b. 125
c. 137
d. 129


The mean of 12 observations is 18. If one more observation is included,the new mean becomes 20. Find out
the 13th observation.
(A) 40
(B) 42
(C) 44
(D) 46

answer key :c

A brick is an example of a ________.
(A) Cuboid
(B) Cube
(C) Cone
(D) Rectangle

answer: a

If the radius of a circle is 7 cm, what will be the ratio of its area and its circumference?
(A) 11 : 7
(B) 7 : 2
(C) 3 : 2
(D) 7 : 3

answer :b

The cost of 5 pens and 2 pencils is ₹29 and the cost of 7 pens and 5 pencils is ₹45. Find the cost of 1 pen
and 2 pencils.
(A) ₹ 9
(B) ₹ 7
(C) ₹ 11
(D) ₹ 13

answer: a

What is the value of 90 + 55 ÷1.1 × 4 − 21?
(A) 296
(B) 269
(C) 216
(D) 221

answer :b

The value of lathe machine depreciates at the rate of 10 % per annum. If the cost of machine at present is Rs. 160,000, then what will be its worth after 2 years?

a. Rs. 122,365
b. Rs. 153,680
c. Rs. 129,600
d. Rs. 119,900


The current birth rate per thousand is 30, whereas corresponding death rate is 10 per thousand. Find the net growth rate in terms of population increase in percent.

a. 1.5 %
b. 2 %
c. 2.5 %
d. 3 %